In these 10 man Naxx runs, I was (usually) the sole decurser, so it was just another part of the fight for me, like running behind the ice blocks and moving out of the fissures. However, when other druids started popping up in raids, or I headed out for some 25 man action, I still noticed the healers were putting in all the dispelling effort; the majority of DPS were plain ignoring it. Single healing 10 man Heigan once, a ret pally in the group was explaining, after the fight, that the reason why she died was due to a disease. Now, this amused me. If you are DPS and something, which you can remove, is killing you, why won’t you remove it? I made the group aware that the priests and pallies will need to cleanse, and I popped up a raid warning halfway through the fight as I was having trouble keeping all the diseased people alive, Yet this silly ret pally goes and kills herself on a disease she can remove?
This was just after Noth, when the boomkin of the group explained that he would have decursed but I seemed to have “handled it” so he felt he did not need to.
There is a never-ending argument of if the DPS should stop doing damage to cleanse, or the healers should stop healing to decurse. I think that if blizz saw fit to give you Cleanse, Abolish, or Decurse, get healbot, grid or decursive, learn to use it and learn to help out your raid. With fights like Hodir and Iron Council, I would rather utility players then recount riders.
Spex <3